July 20th, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of dynamic ads


By chromeye

Are you looking for highly-targeted and visually appealing ways to attract leads online? Then, you should definitely explore the world of dynamic ads. Below, you can find a hands-on guide on how to unleash their potential and make them work for your business.

What are the dynamic ads?

The dynamic ads are an easy way to tell your brand or product’s story by using data from a customizable content feed. When their data is changed by an operator, dynamic ads display the new content automatically. This allows marketing or display teams to publish new messages and graphics in their ads on the fly.

What is the difference between a dynamic and a normal ad?

Dynamic ads use content that is editable through a special interface and their new content is published online without additional creative work or trafficking in a matter of minutes. They take longer to set up, but their longevity is virtually unlimited.

You can be flexible with dynamics ads since new content can be fed into them as the campaign progresses. Unlike them, the normal animated ads are re-exported from the animation software every time that the content needs to change.

Advantages of using dynamic ads

  • Produce highly targeted ad content on the fly

Dynamic ads are very efficient for the online active industries where you need to maintain constant communication with your clients. Through them, you are able to launch new campaigns, publish new offers or messages with few clicks of a button. You can react to different factors in your industry, keep up to par with competition offers and continuously refine your messages.

  • Be fast and flexible

With dynamic ads, your campaigns’ go-to-market time is measured in minutes and your workflow is not reliant on creative teams or agencies. Every template can be reused for months or even years just by feeding new content to it.

  • Customize your message

With dynamic ads, you can improve the storytelling of your campaigns and customize your messages for your different target groups. Multinational companies can also localize their content efficiently and address audiences across different languages.

  • Improve your CTR

Dynamic ads have a proven record of being more engaging than regular ads. This will give you a chance to tell your product’s story online in a result-oriented way, where your click-through-rate can increase significantly.

Disadvantages of using dynamic ads

  • Investment vs goals

Dynamic ads involve setup and coding time investment. If your campaigns are not frequent and do not necessitate regular updates of published information, then you are much better off with regular animated HTML5 banners. Using dynamic ads in a campaign depends on the budget, the scale, and duration of the campaign, the time restrictions, the data background, etc.

Common mistakes when using dynamic ads

  • Poor planning

A common mistake is when your campaign is not planned to allow dynamic ads implementation. There is a lead time so that the campaign can be set up.

  • No real need for regular updates

The campaign requirements may not necessitate regular updates of offers or content, hence regularly animated banners are quicker to deliver and more cost-efficient. Radical changes of specification once the dynamic ads are delivered is much more penalizing than normal HTML5 banners since each banner is more complex.

Businesses that benefit most from dynamic ads

  • Online active industries

Normally, the multinational businesses that need to update their online offers regularly would benefit most from dynamic ads. If you are a business that can extract a relative advantage over the competition for updating your offers a few times a week or even a few times a day, this is the right solution for you. If you are a business that has an automated source of data either through a data feed or API and you would like to have this data reach your direct response targets, we can make it work.

  • B2C companies mostly

Dynamic ads are mostly used by B2C companies, where the need to constantly provide content and update offers comes in higher volumes. This doesn’t come to say that B2B brands can’t benefit from those too.

Elements of a well-prepared dynamic ad campaign

Here are some tips on which elements are crucial when you plan your ad campaign:

  1. A valid idea for a campaign that is worth being dynamic.
  2. Time to realize and implement a dynamic content banners campaign.
  3. Active communication with the team of specialists, helping you implement the dynamic ads.
  4. A clear creative direction of the campaign.
  5. Orientation towards measurable and defined results.

Example of a successful dynamic ad campaign

In Chromeye, we have helped many businesses to activate dynamic ads in order to improve their online campaigns. Here is a recent example from our work with Betfair for Cheltenham 2018. It is the biggest horse racing event of the year, which all bookmakers target as a huge revenue potential.

Betfair’s goal was to stand out from the crowd and acquire new clients as well as retain their loyal ones by highly targeted offers. We helped them achieve this via a dynamics ads campaign, powered by our own banner management platform Streameye, that supplies user-created content to the ads.

After investing some time in preparing for the Cheltenham 2018 campaign, thanks to Streameye, Betfair was able to precision target their audiences with concrete offers for each major race. They had the flexibility to tweak and adjust their banners on the fly a few times per day, meanwhile, all their competitors were using generic offers.

Do you have experience with dynamic ads and what are your insights from it? We will be happy to help you be successful in your future online campaigns by introducing you to Streameye, which can change the ad game for you. Please, don’t hesitate to contact us on our Facebook page or in the contact form.
