July 4th, 2018

Chromeye’s portfolio – welcome to our world of web expertise


By chromeye

Dear readers, this time we’ll introduce you to our team of experts in the field of creating designs for web & print, motion graphics, frontend, as well as their team leaders and project managers. But first things first, let us give you a short tour of Chromeye’s services so that we can share with you later how each of them can benefit your business.

Our portfolio in a nutshell

This is the bouquet of various competencies our team comprises of and we believe it creates a synergy between all our experts and makes us smarter, faster, more flexible, more creative, more productive and last but not least – more efficient. Below you can find our insights that we hope can help you on your journey to create and sustain a healthy and strong online brand presence.

Meet the Chromeye creative team

Here at Chromeye we have few teams specializing in a variety of designs but together they produce a complete product for our clients. The creative design team includes 2D, 3D and motion designers who create the concepts for almost all our web design activities – websites, landing pages, emails, static and animated images, logos, assets and many more.

There are two project managers for this team and a QA professional. The PMs are the people who manage the whole process, who communicate with all parties involved, who make sure that all deadlines are met and all production is correct with the best quality. The designers are responsible for the creative work on all projects while the QA expert makes sure that the client receives all assets neat and correct according to provided specs.

Sofi, Sr. PM:

“We just really have to be well organized in order to be flexible enough for our clients and their projects. And flexibility is one of our main strengths as well as the multiple types of designs that we offer and this is when we are not counting the web development services that are also part of the company’s portfolio.”

Yana, QA expert:

“As Spiderman’s uncle said, “With great power come great responsibilities!” 🙂  My job is also almost the last step before the final production is sent to the clients. It’s a demanding position and the teams rely on my eagle eye to spot even the tiniest discrepancy and to hunt them till everything is just spotless.”

Print and prepress gurus

There is a third team of designers responsible for all print and prepress activity at our company. These guys are masters of crisis management and design which is due to the different nature of print ads. In this team, everything is usually urgent and there is no room for ‘we still have time to correct some mistakes’. Print advertisement means that the client on the other side is waiting for the designs in order to send them to the printers where they are being manifolded in (usually) hundreds of thousands of copies.

Marian, PM and senior print designer:

“Print design is tangible. It leaves you with a physical item, something you can touch and explore, often this leaves no option but to read it, unlike the counterpart, a web banner, which can be deleted straight from the website before it is even opened, sending it into cyberspace instantaneously. When you create an attractive print design, it results in it being kept for days, months or even years – this leaves plenty of opportunities to engage in the images or text. There is no place for mistakes in print – when the printing machine rolls it’s far too late for corrections.”

Insights from our developers

The Chromeye’s development team is where Chromeye’s HTML and CSS gurus dwell, where a very mysterious part of the magic happens. The guys are not very talkative, but are extremely smart and well organized, almost like a military unit but with a better sense of humor ;). Sometimes we call them SWAT!

Here is what the development team says about the trends in their profession:

“Chromeye is trying to follow the best practices for web design and production. We aim at implementing the latest proven technologies and approaches for the production of various web assets. Chromeye’s development team strives to build efficient and usable products. The bulk of users experience the web on mobile and that is why the “mobile-first“ approach is paramount, but at the same time we always try to ascertain what the best mobile-first is, depending on each project. The user experience is not an empty expression but something that we put first when designing any asset – from a complex web page down to the simplest responsive newsletter template.”

And then there is the JavaScript developers’ team – the front-enders who feed Chromeye’s state of the art dynamic ads content manager – Streameye. These wizards are one of the best creators of animated HTML banners in the country. The team is very experienced and efficient, the years spent in developing various banner makers and templates within all generations of Streameye have helped them optimize the work process to its maximum.

Can we help your brand with our enthusiasm and digital expertise? Let’s talk on Facebook and LinkedIn.
